Latest News

Term 1 Calendar of Events

Head Lice

A case of head lice has been reported within our primary school community today. 

Head lice are spread mostly by direct head-to-head contact but may also be spread by sharing hats, combs and other hair accessories.  

Anyone can get head lice. 

Please refer to the head lice prevention and treatment fact sheet for information on head lice, how to check, treatment and prevention.  

Head lice are much easier to treat if caught early.  

To prevent the spread of head lice, you should check your child(ren) daily over the next 3 weeks and regularly thereafter. 

Please inform the school or preschool if your child presents with head lice and make sure they are treated before returning. 


Lunch Orders for Swimming Carnival Due Today

Spriggy Lunch Orders are due today for the Swimming Carnival.  Please give Michelle a call at the school if you are having trouble.

Tip for children in Year 3 and above:

1. Go to settings in your Spriggy App

2. Select your child

3. Change their year level from class to age bracket, then save.

4. Return to the menu & select an event; Carnival Menu should be visible.

5. Remember to change this back to the year level when it is complete to continue ordering for Toastie Tuesday.

My apologies for the confusion; we are still on a learning journey.

Reminder to Return all Consent Forms

Students were all given consent forms for swimming and local excursions earlier in the week. Can they please be signed and returned to the office ASAP? If you haven't seen any forms, please speak to your child's teacher or call the office to collect another set.

Parents & Friends 2025

If you have received this in an email but not on your Schoolzine App, can you please open your App and add yourself to the parent group, as an error occurred at the end of 2024 removing parents from the parent group.

Children's University 2025 Membership

Children's University

Swim Carnival Lunch Orders

Please see the notices below regarding placing lunch orders for the February 14, 2025, swimming carnival.  If you have any questions, please contact Michelle at the school.


If you have received this in an email but not on your Schoolzine App, can you please open your App and add yourself to the parent group? An error occurred at the end of 2024, removing parents from the parent group.

Important Updates to Start the Year

I hope everyone has had a fantastic start to the school year! ?

Due to an unfavourable long-range weather forecast for next week, we have rescheduled the Swimming Carnival from the 7th of February to the 14th of February. Please find all the information regarding the carnival attached to this message.

2025 Swimming Carnival Booklet

Canteen Price List

We have also planned an Induction Assembly for our school leaders.  This will be held on Friday 31st January - see attached flyer.  Our new school staff will be introduced to you all at this time.

Student Leadership Induction
If you have any questions, please contact the school.

Toastie Tuesday resumes in Week 1

Toasties will be available on Tuesday next week. Please order on the Spriggy Schools app or at the office on Tuesday morning.

Spriggy Schools Toastie Tuesday Orders

Place your Toastie Tuesday orders online with Spriggy Schools. 


We are excited to introduce a new online lunch ordering system called Spriggy Schools.

Spriggy Schools will make Toastie Tuesday orders more convenient for families and the volunteers in the canteen. 

Steps to get started: 

  1. Go to to register and download the app.
  2. Add a profile for each of your children, making sure you select SCHOOL NAME and your child’s class. 
  3. Start placing lunch orders!
  4. Spriggy Signup Guide for Parents

If you have any questions, please contact Spriggy Schools via their webchat on the website or in the app or contact Michelle Baker at Quorn Area School.

On Tuesday mornings, Toastie Tuesday orders will still be accepted with cash in person.

Stokes Road
Quorn SA 5433

Phone: 08 8648 6101